
前尿道炎性狭窄的综合治疗(附18例报告) 被引量:26

Management of inflammatory anterior urethral stricture with combination therapy(Report of 18 cases)
摘要 目的:探讨前尿道炎性狭窄的有效治疗方法.方法:对18例经尿道造影证实的前尿道炎性狭窄患者,狭窄段长度为3~7 cm,首次尿道硬性扩张后,放置F10硅胶导尿管持续软扩张1个月,同时予抗感染治疗;拔除导尿管后连续服用泼尼松共3个月,并定期行规则性尿道扩张.结果:6例患者在治疗初期出现尿道出血或尿道热,余均属正常反应.随访1~4年,18例患者排尿通畅,其中11例已停止扩张,5例每年扩张1次,2例仍需每2周扩张1次.结论:综合治疗具有疗效确切、方法简便、创伤小、费用低等优点,可作为前尿道炎性狭窄的首选治疗方法. Objective:To investigate the effectivity of combination therapy in the management of inflammatory anterior urethral stricture. Methods: 18 patients with inflammatory anterior urethral stricture were dilated with thetal sounds at the first time and 10F silicone catheter was inserted and kept for 1 month, meanwhile, antimicrobial drugs was administered. Gradual dilatation was performed after the catheter was removed and prednisone was administered for 3 months. Results:There were no severe complications except for bleeding and fever in 6 patients at the beginning. With 1-4 years follow-up, 16 patients voided without any difficult. Conclusions: Combination therapy can be considered as the initial choice of treatment for inflammatory anterior urethral stricture.
出处 《临床泌尿外科杂志》 2005年第10期612-613,616,共3页 Journal of Clinical Urology
关键词 尿道狭窄 扩张术 治疗学 Anterior urethral stricture Dilatation Therapy
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