本文针对传统工业控制系统中的C/S结构模型,结合目前工业过程实时监控系统的需求以及相关技术,提出使用XML(Ex-tensible Markup Language)实现基于Web的工业过程实时监控系统中实时数据的动态发布。该方案利用XSQL(XSQL is thecombination of XML and SQL(Structured Query Language))、Servlet或ASP等技术从各种数据源获取实时数据并封装成XML文档;通过WEB服务器发布到浏览器,浏览器端使用XSL(Extensible Stylesheet Language)+XML来动态生成SVG(Scalable VectorGraphics)图形并显示,从而达到实时监控的目的。
This paper presents the dynamic publication of reahime data in industrial process based on the XML technology. The realtime data is obtained by using XSQL,Se.rvlet or ASP technology and is packaged as a XML doeument and sent to the browser through web server. The browser uses XSL + XML to produce graphies and to display.
Techniques of Automation and Applications