
论政府公共支出的公平取向问题 被引量:1

On Orienting Government Public Expenditure towards Fair
摘要 当前我国居民收入分配差距进一步拉大,严重影响了社会的公平和稳定发展。基于对社会经济具体阶段和形势的认识,目前社会公平问题的重要性已超过效率问题,我国当前政府公共支出结构应重点以公平为取向,在注重结果公平的前提下,强调起点公平,并在政府支出管理方面做进一步的改革和创新。 In the present world, the disparity of our country residents' income distribution is getting wider, which affects the society fair and stable development badly. Based on the special stage and situation of our country's economy, this article indicates that the significance of society fair is more than the significance of efficiency. The public expenditure structure of the government in our country should tend to be fair and pay more attention to equity at jumping- off point on the condition of the emphasis on the result fair, and reform and innovate in the gevemment expenditure management further.
出处 《山东财政学院学报》 2005年第5期3-7,共5页 Journal of Shandong Finance Institute
基金 国家自然科学基金项目(批准号70373051):积极财政政策动态约束模型研究
关键词 公平 效率 公共支出结构 起点公平 支出管理体制 fair efficiency public expenditure structure fair at jumping-off point expenditure management system
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