为了满足工作在嵌入式系统下的无线通信设备,譬如移动电话、掌上电脑和PDA等进行各种数据信息交流的需要,文中利用嵌入式开发工具eMbedded Visual C++4.0设计出一种基于IrSock模式进行红外通信的方法,最终实现在两台ETEN P300掌上电脑上通过红外收发器端口进行字符传送。由于Windows CE的APIs是Win32 APIs的子集,所以文中所设计的基于IrSock模式的红外通信的方法可以很方便地移植到带红外通信硬件的以Windows为操作系统的各种移动设备上。
To meet the demands of wireless communication equipments to exchange data objects based on embedded systems, such as mobile phone, handheld PC, PDA ete,the designers developed a method of infrared communication based on IrSock mode using embedded visual C + + 4.0 to send/receive characters via infrared communication ports in handheld PC ETEN P300. Because Windows CE APIs is subset of Win32 APIs, the infrared communication method based on IrSock mode can be migrated to other Windows operating systems in all kinds of mobile equipments with infrared communication ports.
Microcomputer Development