采用静态自蔓延法制备不锈钢陶瓷内衬喷嘴.探讨了A l-Fe2O3-C rO3燃烧体系的燃烧机理,以及陶瓷相组成与性能的关系,并提出了一种新型添加剂.实验表明:新型添加剂能提高陶瓷层的韧性、表面质量和抗热震性能,产品使用寿命显著提高.
The ceramic-lined stainless steel nozzle produced by SHS process are introduced, The combustion mechanism of Al-Fe2O3-CrO3 combustion system and the relation between properties and the phase in the ceramic are discussed in the present paper. The research indicates a new additive. Experiment indicates that the new additive can improve the toughness and the surface quality and properties of heat-resistant of the ceramic-lined layer.
Journal of Xi an University of Engineering Science and Technology