
关于构建高职教育课程体系的探讨 被引量:1

On Building Curriculum System of Vocational Education
摘要 高职教育培养目标应从培养方向和业务规格上准确定位,体现高职教育基本特征。依据培养目标,应以技术应用能力为主线进行实训课程开发与实施,增加程序性知识教学内容,合理设置课程,科学整合教学内容,构建理论课程与实践课程并重的具有特色的高职教育课程体系。 The training target of vocational education should reflect the basic feature of vocational education and be oriented by its training aim and major scale.Based on its training target, vocational education, taking application ability as its main goal,should develop practical training courses, increase the content of systematic knowledge,attach the importance to both theoretical and practical curriculum so as to make the system featured with specific characteristics.
作者 胡永信
出处 《张家口职业技术学院学报》 2005年第1期1-3,共3页 Journal of Zhangjiakou Vocational and Technical College
关键词 高职教育 课程体系 实训课程开发 程序性知识 higher vocational education curriculum system offer practical training courses systematical knowledge
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