
美国品格教育的复兴及其对我国学校道德教育的启示 被引量:4

Revival of Character Education in America and Its Implications for China
摘要 品格教育的理论和实践是当代美国学校道德教育的主流。美国品格教育复兴的主要原因在于:社会发展转向的客观需要;教育改革的内在要求;道德现实反思的必然结果。当代美国品格教育的复兴对我国学校道德教育的启示是:要重视吸收和借鉴品格教育的理论与方法;要重视并建立与时代精神相契合的道德规范体系;要重视发掘我国传统道德文化资源。 The theory and practice of Character Education has become a main stream in the American school moral education. The reasons for its revival lie in: the objective needs of the social- development- turnover, the inner requires of educational innovations, the definite result of criticism of moral reality. Its implications for moral education in China focus on the emphasis of borrowing and understanding its theories and methods, building up the system of moral principles corresponding with the time, and making best use of the resources of our traditional moral culture.
作者 杨超
出处 《廊坊师范学院学报》 2005年第1期114-117,共4页 Journal of Langfang Teachers College
关键词 美国 品格教育 道德教育 启示 USA character education moral education implications
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