
高性能阴极荧光分析系统及其在氮化物半导体材料研究中的应用 被引量:2

Investigation of group-III nitrides semiconductor by using high performance cathodoluminescence system
摘要 本文介绍由场发射环境扫描电镜和高性能阴极荧光谱仪构成的联合分析系统。该系统在图像质量、图像空间分辨、阴极荧光成像及光谱分析等方面具有优越的性能。利用这一系统对氮化物半导体材料的微观特征、器件结构和光学性能的相互关系进行研究,获得许多有意义的结果。 A set of instrument of Field Emission Environment Scanning Electron Microscope / High Performance Cathodoluminescence has been described in brief. This system has superior performance in image quality, space resolution , ? m and nm Cathodoluminescence image and spectrum analysis of semiconductor materials. We have utilized this equipment to investigate interactions between micro-charactrization of the materials, structure of the device and optical performance in group-Ⅲ nitrides. Many meaningful results have been obtained.
出处 《现代仪器》 2005年第5期22-25,共4页 Modern Instruments
基金 "国家973项目"的资助 (批准号:2002CB613505)
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