当前,由于图书馆能提供除图书借阅以外的众多其他服务,因此它们的受欢迎程度也大为提升。图书馆服务种类的增加导致了使用频率的增长,然而绝大多数图书馆的员工数量并没有同步增加。因此.图书馆图书借阅和归还这些日常工作必须自动化。例如可以使用由瑞士Bibliotheca RFID Library Systems AG公司开发的无线射频识别技术。在过去的三年中。大量的事实表明.该技术是减轻图书馆员工工作强度的一种有效解决方案。
As a result of additional services the popularity of libraries has increased considerably. An increase in the number of services on offer leads to more intensive use of the libraries; staff numbers, however on the whole remain the same. Accordingly routine tasks must be systematically automated, as can be done, for example, using “Radio Frequency Identification” or RFID,
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