

Television Viewing As a Whole Program or As A Moving-on-river Made in Pieces——the Influence From the Different Television Viewing Modes to the TV Program’S Production and Layout
摘要 中国电视业的快速发展一方面导致人们收看电视态度的改变,另一方面使得可供收看的电视频道及栏目、节目数量的增多。于是观众的收视方式从原来相对稳定的忠实完整收看演变为片断组合收看。而收视方式的改变必然反过来对节目的制作与编排产生影响。文章试图通过对于观众的新旧收视方式的分析,寻找收看与制作编排两个环节的互动规律。 Chinese television grows fast in recent years.The mode of TV-watching has changed too.People used to watching TV as a whole and being loyal audiences.Now more channels and programs are available while the sum time of TV-watching is stable.So the views have more selection and like to change channels ceaselessly. What he saw is probably a lot of pieces without many relation between one another moving on as a river.This new character of television viewing will be certain to influence the production and layout of the TV program.The author tries to find out the influence.
作者 梅笑冰
机构地区 浙江传媒学院
出处 《浙江万里学院学报》 2005年第5期104-107,共4页 Journal of Zhejiang Wanli University
关键词 收视方式 整体收视 片断组合收视 电视节目制作与编排 the mode of TV-watching view as a whole view as a moving-on-river made in pieces production and layout of TV program
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