

Conceptual Frame of Conditional Element and Its Grammatical Realization
摘要 文章以小句条件成分为例,借助概念框架(ConceptualFrame)的理论模式,表述条件成分的概念框架及其语法体现。其理论背景为以语符关系为研究重点的Lamb的神经认知语言学。CF是程琪龙教授在此基础上提出的理论模式,主要功能为解释语言系统及其操作,即语言系统和概念系统的激活延伸过程。借助CF框架针对小句及句组中的条件成分的概念结构及语法体现进行分析论证是必要的。 This paper attempts to account, on the basis of the theoretical model of Conceptual Frame (CF), for both the conceptual frames and their grammatical realizations of the conditional clause groups by taking compounds of clause as examples. This paper rests on the neurocognitive linguistics, raised by Lamb whose research centers on semiotic relations. CF is a theoretical model set up by Cheng Qilong on Lamb's basis, the main function of which is to explain the linguistic system and its operation, the process of activation in linguistic and conceptual systems. This paper covers only a small part of CF, and does not represent the whole frame, with a view to analyzing the conditional compounds of clause complex complex tested by adequate computer program.
出处 《江南大学学报(人文社会科学版)》 2005年第5期86-89,共4页 Journal of Jiangnan University:Humanities & Social Sciences Edition
关键词 条件成分 语法体现 概念框架 conditional compound grammatical realizations conceptual frame
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