酯化法合成乙酸乙酯成本较高的原因,一是设备投资大,二是产率较低.而采用Al2(SO4)3·18H2O作为催化剂,并对设备进行一些改进,产率可达97.8%.产品无色透明, 其折光率与文献值一致.,由于Al2(SO4)3·18H2O无毒无害、便宜易得、与环境友好,催化剂活性高、可反复使用,所得乙酸乙酯用于食用香料更安全,所以该方法不仅很适合学生实验,而且也具有一定的工业开发价值.
There are two causes of the high cost of the synthesis of ethy acetate : Firstly, it needs large investment in apparatus. Secondly, the productivity is lower. However, with the adoption of AlE (SO4)3 · 18 H2O catalyst and equipment improvement, the productivity could reach 97.8 %. This kind of product is colorless and transparent; the refractive index confirm with the literature index. Al2 ( SO4 ) 3 · 18 H2O is of active catalysis. It is good to environment--no poison and no harm. It could be obtained easily, low-cost and reusable. Meanwhile ethy acetate food additive is safer. So this method not only adapt to the students' experiment, but to some extent, it has the value of industrial fabrication.
Journal of Luoyang Normal University