

Eastern and Western——Comparison between Jin Ping Mei and Lady Chatterley's Lover
摘要 《金瓶梅》和《查特莱夫人的情人》存在着诸多的不同。首先在主题的倾向上不同,一个是晚明黑暗社会的揭示,一个是与资本主义工业化对人“自我”扭曲的寓言。其次在文化价值与道德观念上也存在着明显的差异,即《金》描写的性专门在技术化倾向上做文章,而《查》在描写性时着眼点放在人生的探索上。再次是文化背景不同,《金》中的性描写,有许多是病态性心理的反映,并非健康的人类应有的性要求;而《查》的性描写,带有一种西方文化的颓废色彩,是一种野性的性放纵,它企图以人性的复归,即两性关系的纯自然性,来挽救西方社会的沉沦,但这种原始野性式的性表现,反而掩盖了对资本主义社会腐朽的揭露,这正像《金瓶梅》中过多的性描写,也冲淡了对封建社会的批判一样。 There are many differences between Jin Ping Mei (JPM) and Lady Chatterley' s Lover (LCL). Firstly, on the inclinations towards their theme, the former discloses the dark side of society in the late Ming Dynasty; the latter implies that capitalist industrialization twists real self. Secondly, there are evident differences on cultural value and moral concept. While the description of sex in JPM lays stress on techmology, the one in LCL emphasizes on the exploration of life. Finally, because of the difference in cultural background, while the description of sex in JPM mostly gives expression not to healthy demand for sex, but to unhealthy psychology of sex, the one in LCL has a kind of decadent color about western culture, that is to say, a kind of wild indulgence in sex. Through the reversion to humanity and absolute natural quality of bisexual relationship, LCL attempts to rescue western society from slough; however, this kind of primitive and wild description of sex covers up the exposure of capitalist society's corruption, as the excessive one in JPM deadens the criticism to feudal society.
作者 于东新
出处 《红河学院学报》 2005年第5期25-28,共4页 Journal of Honghe University
关键词 《金瓶梅》 《查特莱夫人的情人》 主题倾向 文化价值 比较 Jin Ping Mei Lady Chatterley's Lover Inclination towards theme Cultural value Comparison
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