Research progress of head direction cells
Chinese Journal of Neuromedicine
Head direction cell
1Taube JS, Muller RU, Ranck JB Jr. Head-direction cells recorded from the postsubiculum in freely moving rats: I Description and quantitative analysis[J]. J Neurosci, 1990, 10(2): 420-35.
2Taube JS. Head direction cells recorded in the anterior thalamic nuclei of freely moving rats[J]. J Neurosci, 1995, 15(2): 70-86.
3Stackman RW, Taube JS. Firing properties ofrat lateral mammillary single units: head direction, head pitch, and angular head velocity[J].J Neurosci, 1998, 18(21): 9020-9037.
4Sharp PE, Tinkelman A, Cho J. Angular velocity and head direction signals recorded from the dorsal tegmental nucleus of gudden in the rat: implications for path integration in the head direction cell circuit [J]. Behav Neurosci, 2001, 115(3): 571-588.
5Blair HT, Sharp PE. Anticipatory head direction signals in anterior thalamus: evidence for a thalamocortical circuit that integrates angular head motion to compute head direction[J]. J Neurosci, 1995,15(9): 6260-6270.
6Blair HT, Lipscomb BW, Sharp PE. Anticipatory time intervals of head direction cells in the anterior thalamus of the rat: implications for path integration in the head direction circuit [J]. J Neurophysiol,1997, 78(1): 145-159.
7Sharp PE. Multiple spatial/behavioral correlates for cells in the rat postsubiculum: multiple regression analysis and comparison to other hippocampal areas[J]. Cereb Cortex, 1996, 6(2): 238-259.
8Dudchenko PA, Taube JS. Correlation between head direction cell activity and spatial behavior on a radial arm maze [J]. Behav Neurosci, 1997, 111(1): 3-19.
9Dudchenko PA, Goodridge JP, Taube JS. The effects of disorientation on visual landmark control of head direction cell orientation [J]. Exp Brain Res, 1997, 115(2): 375-380.
10Brown JE, Yates BJ, Taube JS. Does the vestibular system contribute to head direction cell activity in the rat?[J]. Physiol Behav, 2002, 77(4-5): 743-748.