长脉宽1064nmNd:YAG激光用于脱毛以来,因其具有穿透深、脉宽长、可选择的能量密度范围大等优点,适用于对各种皮肤类型(尤其是Ⅳ ̄Ⅵ型皮肤)和除白色以外的各种颜色毛发的患者进行脱毛,已经成为激光脱毛领域的研究热点。文中对长脉宽1064nmNd:YAG激光在脱毛治疗方面的作用机制、临床应用情况作一综述。
Foreign Medical Sciences(Section of Dermatology and Venereology)
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2Dierickx CC. Hair removal by lasers and intense pulsed light sources. Semin Cutan Med Surg, 2000, 19: 267-275.
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5Battle EF Jr, Hobbs LM. Laser-assisted hair removal for darker skin types. Dermatol Ther, 2004, 17: 177-183.
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7Rogachefsky AS, Becker K, Weiss G, et al. Evaluation of a long pulsed Nd:YAG laser at different parameters: an analysis of both fluence and pulse duration. Dermatol Surg, 2002, 28: 932-936.
8Goldberg DJ, Silapunt S. Histologic evaluation of a millisecond Nd: YAG laser for hair removal.Lasers Surg Med, 2001, 28: 159-161.
9Goldberg DJ, Silapunt S. Hair removal using a long-pulsed Nd:YAG Laser: comparison at fluences of 50, 80, and 100 J/cm. DermatolSurg, 2001, 27: 434-436.
10Bencini PL, Luci A, Galimberti M, et al. Long-term epilation with long-pulsed neodimium:YAG laser. Dermatol Surg, 1999, 25: 175-178.
1杨凤元,黄熙,严文杰.长脉宽1064nmNd:YAG激光脱毛的临床疗效及安全性评价[J].中国美容医学,2012,21(08X):24-25. 被引量:2
4华伟,胡玮,李清洁,米新陵,李凡.长脉宽1064 nm钕∶钇铝石榴子石激光器脱毛的临床效果[J].中华医学美学美容杂志,2015,21(6):376-377. 被引量:3
5王鹏,闫洪伟,陈立,龚慧,闫霞,陆华,赵丽.头皮扩张皮瓣移植联合光子脱毛修复额部大面积瘢痕[J].中华整形外科杂志,2015,31(5):340-343. 被引量:10
7赵翠杨,李晓红,夏丹英.长脉宽1064nm Nd:YAG激光治疗黄褐斑患者的临床分析[J].中国医疗美容,2015,5(1):55-56. 被引量:1
8钱华,徐荣华,吴亚芬,李郯军.长脉宽1064nmNd:YAG激光治疗儿童皮肤血管瘤的疗效[J].中华医学美学美容杂志,2009,15(6):361-364. 被引量:5
9刘丹丹,王琦,赵华.强脉冲光子脱毛130例分析[J].中国误诊学杂志,2008,8(22):5427-5428. 被引量:6