8Agencies of the Federal Government. 40 CFR part 131 Water Quality Standards[EB/OL]. 2005-07-01 [2012-07-06 ]. http :// www. access, gpo. gov/nara/cfr/waisidx_05/40cfrl31 05. ht- ml.
9Agencies of the Federal Government. 40 CFR part 131.10 Des- ignation of uses [EB/OL]. 2005-07-01 [ 2012-07-06 ]. http:// edocket, access, gpo. gov/cfr_ 2005/julqtr/pdf/40cfr131. 10. pdf.
10Agencies of the Federal Government. 40 CFR part 131.11 Cri- teria[ EB/OL]. 2005-07-01 [ 2012-07-06]. http ://edocket. ac- cess. gpo. gov/cfr_2005/julqtr/pdf/40cfrl31.11, pdf.