A. Kaneko and K. Ota proved that for a minimally (n, λ)-connected graph G, if |G| = p ≥ 3n - 1, then e(G) ≤ nλ(|G| - n); and if e(G) = nλ(|G| - n), then G is isomorphic to the graph Kn^λ,p-n which is obtained from the complete bipartite graph Kn,p-n by replacing each edge with A multiple edges; if 3n - 1 ≥ |G}≥ n + 1, then e(G) ≤λ(|G| + n)^2/8. In this paper, we determine all the minimally (n, λ)-connected graphs with order p and the maximum size λ(p+n)^2/8 for 3n- 1 ≥ p ≥ n+ 1 for 3n-1≥p≥n+1.
This research is supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China.