
集装箱箱船队变阵 世界集装箱船队2005年夏季前变化

The World Container Fleet ChangesPre-Summer 2005
摘要 Some changes of world containerfleet have aroused people’s concern sincethis April. This article first points fiveobvious changes, such as fewer orderof Super Panama container ships butmore liquefaction gas ships, increasedprice of global steel and fluctuation ofexchange rate, etc. All these changesreflect that the ship owners have be-gun to consider the return rate ofship investment and reduced the or-ders of large ships.However, the detailed numbers thisarticle gives us illustrate that the powerof world container fleet have increasedactually, and the fully cellular vesselsordered in 2005 will be put into practiceyear by year in large scale. The writerof this article points out another con-cern that if the insufficient increase ofworld economy leads to more shipsupply than demand, then those in-ternational container companies whichmostly depends on loan will have a hard time.Then this article introduces theorder information of eight big cus-tomers of fully cellular vessels in theworld this year, including two Chi-nese companies: China Shipping Con-tainer Line based in Shanghai andYang Ming Ship Company based inTaiwan. These ordered ships mostlywill be used from at least the year2007. It could be predicted that thewhole power of world container fleetwill greatly increase by that time.At last this article tells us someinformation about fully cellular ves-sels which have been put into prac-tice in April 2005. Mostly these ves-sels were produced in South Koreaand Japan, and used or rented byship companies in Germany, Chinaand Canada. Further more, no fullycellular vessel is sent to departure fac-tory in March and April. Some changes of world container fleet have aroused people's concern since this April. This article first points five obvious changes, such as fewer order of Super Panama container ships but more liquefaction gas ships, increased price of global steel and fluctuation of exchange rate, etc. All these changes reflect that the ship owners have begun to consider the return rate of ship investment and reduced the orders of large ships.
作者 张荣忠
出处 《中国经贸》 2005年第8期i0014-i0015,共2页 China Global Business
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