Distal splenoeaval shunt with retained left gastric vein (DSCS) and distal splenbrenal shunt (DSRS) associated with ligation of left gastric vein were performed on Wistar rats. Postoperative free portal pressure (FPP), free splenic vein pressure (FSP), angiographic change of portal vein and splenic vein also have been observed dynamically. The results showed that regional decompression by DSCS with retained left gastric vein was remarkably superior to that of DSCS with ligation of left gastric vein, with preservation of portal pressure at early postoperative period. FPP began to decrease in DSCS group with the development of some fine collaterals between spleen and pancreas 40 days after operation. Cordlike collaterals and vague patches of collaterals could be visualized angiographically at 60th postoperative day. It was showed that DSCS (DSRS) tend to lose its effect of selective decompression over time due to the occurrence of new collaterals between spleen and pancreas.
Chinese Journal of Experimental Surgery