妮可·基德曼与世界知名腕表品牌Omega(欧米茄)签约.担任其形象代言人。妮可已经提前为Omega拍摄了几张宣传照,其宣传口号是“欧米茄——妮可·基德曼的选择”。此前,妮可曾为Chanel 5号香水拍过一则电视广告.在由Karl Lagerfeld执导的这则广告中,妮可尽显高贵典雅的风度和巨星风范.令Omega相中了她的独特气质。
The world famous wristwatch brand Omega came to an agreement with Nicole Kidman to be as the publicface of Omega, The slogan of the propaganda is Omega-the Choice of Nicole Kidman. Nicole was once the public face of Channel 5. In the Channel 5 advertisement, Nicole showed her elegant and royal demeanour and she, therefore was selected by Omega.
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