Purpose To investigate the efficacy of penetrating keratoplosty in children. Methods A retrospective study was performed on 29 eyes of successive pediatric eases with corneal blindness that underwent penetrating keratoplasty. Results The visual acuity was more than 0.05 in 12 (52.17%) of 23 eyes. Grafts rernaines transparent in 19 (65.52%) of 29 eyes. The grafts of all eyes with keratoconus and congenital opacities were transparent. Clear grafts were achieved in 5 of 6 eyes with scars from trattma. Allograft rejeotion was occurred in 4 of 6 eyes with congenital corneal opacity, in 2 of 3 eyes with infective corneal ulcer, in 1 of 2 eyes band shaped corneal dystrophy and in 2 eyes of Alkali chemical injury. Complications of anterior/posterior iris synechia, cataract and glaucoma happened in 8 of 29 eyes (27.6%). Conclusion The successful rates of pediatric keratoplasty were different due to different causes. Early surgical intervention, prevention of surgical complications and intensive amblyopia therapy may be important factors of penetrating keratoplasty in children.
Chinese Journal of Ophthalmology and Otorhinolaryngology