作者研究了中稻纹枯病所致的产量损失,结果表明:瘪谷、不实率增多及实粒的千粒重下降是水稻纹枯病影响稻谷减收的主要因素,它们与病情的关系呈幂函数曲线。纹枯病的为害除影响稻谷减收外,还导致出米率下降和碎米率增高。纹枯病的为害以黄熟初期的病情指数与稻谷减收率的关系最密切,根据试验数据经多种曲线拟合,比较其拟合度,以韦布尔模型最优,其稻谷减收率的函数式为: Y=1-exp[-((X-0.03840)/(1.47235))^(1.7005)] 式中Y为稻谷减收率,X为黄熟期病情指数。
A study on yield loss caused by sheath blight of medium rice was carried out continuously in 1985 - 1987. The results showed that main factors of the yield reduction caused by sheath blight were related to the increasing of shrunken grains and non-solid grains , and decreasing of thousand-grain weight. Besides , the sheath blight also caused decrease of percentage of whole rice and increase of percentage of powdery rice. The most close relationship existed between the disease index at rice yellow ripeness stage and rate of yield loss. Based on the simulated results of data, the Weibull model is proved to be most suitable. A model of yield loss assessment has been established as follows :
Journal of Plant Protection