Objective To make statistics, analysis and evaluation for clinical nursing trial thesis of 228 issues of 19 volumes in Chinese Journal of Practical Nursing from 1985 to 2003 by using the standard of Cochrane handbook. Method There are 228 issues of 19 volumes in Chinese Journal of Practical Nursing from 1985 to 2003, check every thesis in every issue, and research the relative thesis according to RCT and CCT according to Cochrane center hand searching guidance. Result RCT and CCT thesis distributing aspects raise year by year. the percent of which in clinical nursing trial thesis rise gradually. Conclusion The academic level of clinical nursing trial thesis in nursing fields is improved gradually. Because RCT and CCT prove the clinical experiment of stronger intension, they are well applied in the world, so it should be standardized to write thesis so that the scientific research result can be recognized in the world.