The ultrastructure of the dental pulp complex from rat incisor was examined by transmission electron microscopy. There were both thin and thick collagen fibrils in the predentin and dentin. The diameter and the density of collagen fibrils gradually became greater from the predentin to the dentin and from the area near dentinal tubules to the area leaving dentinal tubules. The collagen fibrils were gathered into some bundles which run in longitudinal,horizontal,and arrowy direction meeting at right angles with one another and forming network;There were many dentinal tubules in the predentin and the dentin. The lumina of the dentinal tubules were lined with a shee-like limitans. The odontoblasts assumed elongated pear or spindle in shape. Its nucleus was close to the basal cellular region. The mitochondria,rough endoplasmic reticulum,Golgi complex mainly laid in the supranuclear region of the cytoplasm. The odontoblast process was observed in the transverse section of all dentinal tubules of the predentin and the dentin. There were chiefly microtubules,microfilaments and vesicles in the process. There was a narrow space between the odontoblasts. The dentin side between the odontoblasts was connected by junctional complex and the other area was connected by the desmosomes.
Acta Anatomica Sinica