Abstract This paper argues that,economic rights exchange is very popular in modern economy,and the exchange of economic rights is very necessary for optimizing the distribution of economic resources. The demands for making the best use of resources include: firstly, the exchange rate should be decided by the asset rights' market relation between supplies and demands; secondly, the exchange must be completed in line with the contract or the law ; thirdly, the supervising rights of asset rights' suppliers must be sufficiently guaranteed ; finally, there should be initiative mechanism in the exchange activities. Therefore, the author thinks that, the realistic way for State-owned enterprises' property rights reform is the governments withdraw from the exchange of economic rights, and the rights of State assets should be returned to our whole people, let every citizen make economic rights exchange directly with enterprises. Only does like this, can the exchange of economic rights be completed in accordance with market law,and economic resources can be used optimizedly.
Reform of Economic System