Clinical investigation of Protracted Withdrawal Symptoms in Heroin Addicts Influence of Wind and Phlegm-removing Acupuncture on TCD in Pseudobulbar Paralysis Patients of Wind-phlegm Type Influence of Acupuncture on Vertebrobasilar Flow Velocity in Vertebrobasilar Ischemia Observations on the Efficacy of Acupuncture Based on Differentiating Between Deficiency and Excess Syndromes for Treating Soft Tissue Injury Observations on the Efficacy of Acupuncture plus Massotherapy for Treating Lumbar Intervertebral disc Protrusion Clinical Observations on the Treatment of 86 Patients with Shoulder Periarthritis of Cold Accumulation-caused Blood Stasis Type by Wrist-ankle Acupuncture plus Warming Acupuncture Through Moxibustion.