三维地形场景的真实感绘制常被应用于一些大规模综合分布仿真系统中。这些仿真系统有时有并行绘制的需求,例如远程显示场景等。而OpenGL作为一种开放式的图形工业标准,利用它可以方便高效地实现三维场景的真实感绘制。本文在分析OpenGL内在特点的基础上,举例说明基于openGL的三维地形场景真实感绘制的一般过程,然后讨论基于局域网的O penG L三维地形场景真实感绘制程序的并行方法。
The Realistic rendering of the 3D terrain scene always is used in some Cosmically Synthetic Distributed Simulation System. These systems sometimes have the demand of Parallel Rendering, such as long-range displaying scene. As an opening industry-standard on graph, the OpenGL will effectively realize the Realistic rendering of the 3D scene. On the basis of analyzing the intrinsic character of the OpenGL, the paper illustrates one realistic rendering of the terrain scene. Then we discuss the realistic rendering process of the 3D terrain scene based on OpenGL and analyze the parallel method of OpenGL program on LAN. This research will be help for deep into the study of the Parallel Rendering technology in Cosmically Synthetic Distributed Simulation System.
Modern Computer