The deviation of flow characteristics from the predictions of the conventional theory for microtubes was attrib- uted to the change of fluid viscosity resulted from the interactions between the molecules on solid wall and in fluid. The degree of this departure is dependent on the microtubes materials. A concept of equivalent thickness with which conventional theory can be used to predict the flow in microtubes without modifying the fluid viscosity was put forward. The values of equivalent thickness for fused silica and stainless steel materials were determined as 1.8 μm and 1.5 μm, respectively, by repeated numeri- cal simulation.
The deviation of flow characteristics from the predictions of the conventional theory for microtubes was attributed to the change of fluid viscosity resulted from the interactions between the molecules on solid wall and in fluid. The degree of this departure is dependent on the microtubes materials. A concept of equivalent thickness with which conventional theory can be used to predict the flow in microtubes without modifying the fluid viscosity was put forward. The values of equivalent thickness for fused silica and stainless steel materials were determined as 1.8μm and 1.5μm, respectively, by repeated numerical simulation.
Project (No. 20299030) supported by the National Natural ScienceFoundation of China