目的探讨痰细菌学检查阴性的肺结核病例的病灶是否具有活动性的判定。方法对一组接触源肺结核病人进行检查,进行综合性分析。结果接触源病例痰细菌学检查大部分为阴性结果,而经肺部 X 线征象进行分析判断,结合病史、临床表现及其它辅助检查,显示病灶有活动性的特征,说明痰细菌学检查阴性的肺结核病人是潜在的不能忽视的一个传染源。结论痰细菌学检查阴性的肺结核病人。判断病灶是否具有活动性,必须运用非细菌学检查方法,包括 X 线诊断学,临床诊断学的理论、方法和经验,对肺部x线征象进行分析、病灶分类,结合病史和体格检查,必要的实验室检查和辅助检查等综合方法进行判定。
OBJECTIVE To judge the activity of the focus of tuberculosis cases of spit negative. METHODS Examine into a group of contact tuberculosis patients and sythesize the relevant data. RESULTS A majority results of the contact cases' phlegm bacteriology examination were negative, but It showed that the focus had active character when were judged by X - ray sign, combining with history of the disease, clinical manifestation and other assistant examination. It explained that patients with negative phlegm bacteriology results were latent, important sources of infection. CONCLUSION When we judged whether the foci were active or not in tuberculosis cases with negative phlegm bacteriology results, we should use non - bacteriology examination, including X - ray diagnostics, the theory, means and experience of clinical diagnostics. We should judge by comprehensive means such as: pulmonic X -ray sign, classify of the focus, combine with history of the disease and medical examination, essential laboratorial examination and assistant examination and so on.