深水网箱养殖在我国起步较晚。自1999年起,海南率先在国内引进国外的第一套深水网箱养殖后,以其高效益高性能在全国沿海省市展开了深水网箱国产化研制的热潮。 2001年,由中国水产科学研究院南海水产研究所主持的"十五"国家科技攻关计划,在广东省科技厅及广东省海洋与渔业局的联合资助下,成功研制出我国第一套具有自主知识产权的 "HDPE园形双浮升降式深水抗风浪网箱",单位水体产鱼14kg。据不完全统计,截止2004年底,全国有深水网箱达2700多只,养殖水体达351万立方米,理论产量可达49140吨。随着深水网箱急速的发展,带来的问题也逐渐显现,养殖系统一次性投资较大,产业配套不完善包括深水网箱的配套设施、养殖技术与主养品种、养殖布局与养殖容量、饲料与病害防治、产品加工与流通在内,直接制约了深水网箱的发展,结果是导致深水网箱养殖设施空置率偏高,达1/3强。解决深水网箱养殖产业化发展存在的问题,首先实施深水网箱高技术集成,完成养殖产业链(群)的连接,建立全新养殖模式,与渔业产业结构性调整的政策性衔接,是深水网箱产业化的重要研究课题。
Deep-water net cage culture started relatively late in China. The first set deep-water net cage was introduced from foreign by Hainan in 1999. After the deep-water net cage culture, coastal provinces and cities took a great upsurge in deep-water net cage industrialization manufacture for its high benefit and well performance. The 'Tenth Five' National Scientific and Technological Key Task Program was presided by South China Sea Fisheries Research Institute, Chinese Academe of Fishery Science, staked by Scientific and Technological Office of Guangdong Province and Ocean and Fishery Office of Guangdong Province. The Program developed the first set independent intellectual patent 'HDPE circular double-float over and under type deep-water anti-storm net cage' in 2001. Its fish yield reached 14 kg per m3 water. According to inadequacy statistic, there were over 2700 units deep-water net cages, 351 m3 cultured water body, 49140 tons theoretic yield in our country to the end of 2004. With the rapid development of deep-water net cage, the problem appeared gradually. The investment of the deep-water net cage culture system was big for the first time. The net cage industry didn't form a complete set perfectly. Such as auxiliary facility of deep-water net cage, culture technology and main culture breed, culture overall arrangement and culture capacity, feed and disease prevention and cure, product process and circulation, and so on restricted the development of deep-water net cage directly and induced the high vacancy rate of deep-water net cage culture facility which was up to more than 1/3. How to settle the existing problem of industrialization development of deep -water net cage? Implement of the high technology integration of deep-water net cage, accomplishment of the culture industry chain link, establishment of the complete newly culture mode, link the policy of fishery industry structure rectify are the important research items of the deep-water net cage industry.