目的研究自由空间电场场强垂直分布及其与附近高层建筑场强垂直分布的关系,探讨其在环境电磁强度预测中的应用。方法用气球升空法测量空间电场的垂直分布,并对附近高层建筑进行楼层高度-电场强度关系测量,分析二者之间的相关关系。结果气球升空法测得的开阔地带空间电场垂直分布在60 m高度范围内变化不大,基本可用舒来依金-范德波尔公式描述;附近60 m的高层建筑的场强垂直分布则明显呈上高下低的规律,频谱改变对分布规律的影响不大。结论自由空间的场强垂直分布与建筑物建成后的场强垂直分布存在显著差异,用模拟测量法测量自由空间的场强值与模拟对象的场强最大值,然后按类比法建立电磁环境预测模型是可行的。
Objective To measure vertical distribution of space electric field by means of balloon blastoff, and to study the its relation with the field intensity vertical distribution of the high-rise nearby and to examine its applicability in envirovanental electromagnetic prediction. Methods The vertical distribution of space electric field was measured by means of balloon blastoff and the electric - field intensity vertical distribution of the high - rise nearby was also measured, and the correlativity between them was analyzed. Results Space electric field vertical distribution measured by means of balloon blastoff on open field didn' t changed significantly within the height of 60 meters, which could be described by formulae; while the field intensity vertical distribution of high-rise nearby presented a trend of attenuation with the decrease of height. The change of frequency spectrum has less impact on regularity of space field - intensity distribution. Conclusion Significant difference of field intensity vertical distribution existed between free space and the high-rise nearby. It is feasible to set up an electromagnetic prediction model according to analogism by means of analog measuring method.
Chinese Journal of Public Health Engineering