
加强减灾综合管理 建设和谐平安江西——在全省领导干部减灾管理研讨班上的讲话(摘录) 被引量:11

Strengthen Comprehensive Management About Decrease The Disaster And Constructing Jiangxi Province Of Harmonious And Peaceful
摘要 全面总结和回顾了近年来江西综合减灾工作所取得的成绩和经验,并对当前和今后一个时期的综合减灾工作进行了部署。讲话认为,综合减灾工作的成效,事关建设和谐平安江西的大局,要按照科学发展观和“五个统筹”的要求,认真做好各项综合减灾工作,实现江西更快更好的发展;近年来,经过不懈的努力和探索,江西基本建成了具有地方特色的减灾防灾体系,受到了国务院副总理回良玉以及有关部门的高度评价,各有关部门要用科学发展观来统领综合减灾的各项工作,进一步加快综合减灾立法和规划,加强自然灾害联合监测、预报和预警系统建设,加强城市乡镇、工业园区的自然灾害综合评估,开展跨学科领域的自然灾害综合研究;当前各有关部门要加快县级综合减灾预警与应急系统建设,编制好综合防灾减灾应急预案,努力提高对各种灾害的应急反应和救援能力,并重点做好2005年汛期可能发生的洪涝灾害的预警和减灾工作。 Overall Abstract and looked back to the experience and results that the integrated disaster decrease of Jiangxi province have made in recent years, and arrange the work from now on. He thinks the fact of integrated disaster decrease of Jiangxi province has great effect on the construction of harmonious and peaceful Jiangxi. On according to the view of science develops and on demand of “five orchestrate”, do carefully in the integrated disaster decrease to make the development of Jiangxi faster and better. Pass by unremittingly of effort and investigate, Jiangxi has basically set up the special features of herself to decrease the disaster and prevent the disaster system. Hui Liangyu, the State Department of deputy premier and some related department gave high praise to it. Each department concerned should use the view of science development to do the various work of the integrated decrease the disaster. Fasten the legislation and programming of the integrated disaster decrease. Strengthen the united monitor of the natural disaster and the construction of forecast and forewarn system. Strengthen the integrated of natural disaster's integrated assessment of city, village and the industrial park. Carry out the integrated research of natural disaster in different fields. Now each department concerned should speed the construction of the county class's integrated decrease the disaster and emergency system. Draw up a good plan of integrated decrease the disaster and prevent the disaster to meet an emergency. Work hard to raise to various disaster of meet an emergency respond and the ability of rescue. And work should be well done to forewarn and decrease the disaster that may be take place in flood season of 2005.
作者 吴新雄
机构地区 江西省人民政府
出处 《江西气象科技》 2005年第2期1-6,共6页 Jiangxi Meteorological Science & Technology
关键词 防灾减灾 综合管理 和谐 平安 Prevent the disaster and decrease the disaster Integrated management Harmonious Peaceful
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