Since 1949, 6 epitaphs of Chenjun Xie Family members have been unearthed in Nanjing area. Related to Xie Family mernbers'offical career, marriage and native place, some useful place names are included in these 6 epitaphs. Xie Family's development locus on the southern bank of the Yangtze is indicated by the change of place related to Xie Family members' offical career, tide of nobility; And the course of Xie Family' s ups is indicated by the change of place names related to Xie Family members' marriage as well. To some degree, the course of Xie Family' s becoming flourish is indicated by all information included in these place names in unearthed epitaphs. These 6 unearthed epitaphs indicate Xie Family's three burial plaees: Shizigang in Jiankang, Mount Cows' heads in Jiangning (or Moling), Liyang. The change of Xie Family' s these there burial places has indicated two different kinds of idea: when one is died, his soul will go back to his hometown, or will stay in the strange land peacefully.
Journal of Nanjing Agricultural University(Social Sciences Edition)
Eastem Jin and Southern Dynasties
Chenjun Xie Family
Place Names in the Epitaphs
the Family's ups and downs