我国民事诉讼审判方式过分强调开庭审理 ,忽视审前准备 ,导致审前准备程序与庭审程序界限不清 ,功能错位 ,当事人的诉讼主体地位难以确立 ,诉讼代理制度发展不充分等弊端。最高人民法院《关于民事诉讼证据规则的若干规定》确立了举证时限和证据交换制度 ,应当在此基础上尽快修改《民事诉讼法》 ,完善民事诉讼制度 ,构建以证据交换为主要内容的审前准备程序 ;设立审前准备程序法官 ;合理配置法官与当事人的权利义务 ,使当事人真正成为审前准备程序的主体 ;严格诉讼代理人的条件 ,充分发挥律师的作用 ,以更好地实现司法公正与效率的目的。
The judicial procedure in civil litigations in China laid undue stress on the hearing in court and neglected of the pretrial preparation, which lead some disadvantages such as the boundary between the procedures in court and pretrial preparation was ambiguous, etc. The legislature should modify the Civil Procedure Law as soon as possible base on the institutions of the evidence - producing limits and evidence exchange which established in Some Provisions on the Rules of Evidence in Civil Litigations issued by The Supreme People's Court and construct the pretrial preparatory procedure in order to further the realization the objectives of the judicial justice and efficiency.
Journal of Shanxi Politics and Law Institute for Administrators