设立中公司是指公司登记注册完成 ,依法成立前的公司雏形。它是准民商事法律主体 ,具有有限的法律人格。建立设立中公司预示登记制度 ,可解决设立中公司的权利义务的配置及其责任承担问题 ,保护第三人利益 ,维护正常的商事交易秩序。
The establishing corporation is the corporation rudiment before legal building which is after the register. It is a ready civil legal subject. It has limit juridical person qualification. Building prepublication notice system of the establishing corporation, the distribution of its right and duty and the question of responsibility could be solved. This can protect the right of relative person and natural business order.
Journal of Shanxi Politics and Law Institute for Administrators