High spin states in ^174Re have been investigated via the ^152Sm (^27 Al, 5nγ) ^174Re reaction. Gamma-ray excitation functions, x-γ and γ-γ coincidences have been measured. Two rotational bands built on the πh9/2 × vi13/2 and πh11/2 × vi13/2 configurations have been identified and extended up to high-spin states. The relative spin and parity of the band levels have been unambiguously fixed due to observations of several inter-band transitions. Both the bands show the low-spin signature inversion, which is consistent with systematic expectations for the high-j two-quasiparticle bands in the A = 170 mass region.
High spin states in ^174Re have been investigated via the ^152Sm (^27 Al, 5nγ) ^174Re reaction. Gamma-ray excitation functions, x-γ and γ-γ coincidences have been measured. Two rotational bands built on the πh9/2 × vi13/2 and πh11/2 × vi13/2 configurations have been identified and extended up to high-spin states. The relative spin and parity of the band levels have been unambiguously fixed due to observations of several inter-band transitions. Both the bands show the low-spin signature inversion, which is consistent with systematic expectations for the high-j two-quasiparticle bands in the A = 170 mass region.