Objective To analyze the perioperative management experience of cardiac valve replacemen in 76 cases. Methods Between Jan, 2002 to July, 2005, 76 patients were operated with cardiac valve replacement, including mitral valve in 53, aortic valve in 11, and combined mitral and aortic valve in 12. All the patients were ill with rheumatic valve diseases. In the group, 22 patients underwent heart-beating operation and 51 ones underwent arrested heart operation. Results Seventy-three patients underwent perioperative period' smoothly. Three patients died in the early stage of operation. The early mortality was 3.96%. The ealry death's main reason was multiple organ disfuction syndrome (MODS). The main cause of the complications were low cardiac output syndrome, ventrieular arrhythmia, respiratory and renal failure, and MODS. Conclusion Succeeding in surgical therapy lies on proper perioperative care, i.e. improvement in physical condition particulary in cardiac function, myocardial protection during the operation, decrease in the time of aortic clamp and application of mild hypothennia heat-beating method. Furthermore, postopera, tivcly avtive treatment or prevention against low cardiac output syndrme, ventriular arrhythmia and multiple organ failure (MOF) during perioperation should be emphasized, tion against and treatment of low cardiac output syndrme, ventriular arrhythmia and multiple organ failure (MOF) in perioperation should be edasized.
Clinical Journal of Medical Officers
valvular heart disease
perioperative management
cardiac valve replacement