该文对基于M IL-STD-1553B数据总线的先进飞机配电系统的结构和功能进行了分析,重点论述了仿真系统的结构及仿真软件的实现。配电自动化过程是个多任务并发过程,如何协调各任务的运行,提高系统运行效率,是仿真软件的关键。该文从仿真软件的功能出发,论述了系统任务的划分,并结合W indows消息驱动机制和多线程概念,提出了一种W indows环境下实现多任务管理的方法;同时,该文从实时数据库和线程安全类概念出发,论述了一种用于管理系统运行过程中公用数据的简易的内存数据库管理系统,两者的结合很好地解决了上述问题。调试结果表明,系统运行可靠,达到了功能要求,性能良好,具有很好的仿真效果。
This paper analyzes the construction and function of the advanced aircraft power system based on MIL - STD - 1553B bus, and puts emphasis on the construction of the simulation system and the realization of the simulation software. Automatic power distribution is a process with multiple concurrent tasks. So the key of the simulation software is bow to harmonize the run of various tasks and to raise the efficiency of the system. This paper presents the disassemble of the system task according to the function of the simulation software and brings forward a way to realize the multiple tasks management under Windows circumstance based on the message drive mechanism and muhitbreading concept of Windows. At the same time, from the real time database and thread security concept, this paper discusses a simple EMS database management system used to process the public data of simulation system. The harmonious integration of two ways above perfectly solves the issues of the simulation software. The debugging result shows that the simulation system runs reliably and has achieved functional requirement as well as good performance and the simulation process is excellent.
Computer Simulation
Distributed power
Electric terminal simulation
Automatic load management
Thread security class