目的: 观察川参通直接注入前列腺治疗慢性非细菌性前列腺炎/慢性盆腔疼痛综合征(CABP/CPPS)的疗效与安全性. 方法: 用川参通及利多卡因注射液5 ml,经会阴注射至前列腺,每日1次,共6次,治疗98例CABP/CPPS患者.采用美国国立卫生研究院(NIH)制定的前列腺炎症状评分(CPSI)标准判定疗效. 结果: 观察12周,治愈53例(54.08%),显效17例(17.35%),有效23例(23.47%),总显效率71.43%,总有效率94.90%.川参通治疗前后,CPSI疼痛评分、排尿症状评分、生活质量评分及总分均有显著改善(95%可信区间分别为:6.83~9.41,2.16~3.94,2.95~5.43,12.85~17.91). 结论: 经会阴前列腺内注射川参通治疗CABP/CPPS有效、安全.
Objective: To assess the clinic efficacy and safety in the treatment of chronic abacterial prostatitis/chronic pelvic pain syndrome ( CABP/CPPS ) after intraprostatic injection of Chuanshentong. Methods : Five milliter of solution blending Chuanshentong and lidocaine was transperineally injected into one lobe of prostate, once a day for 6 days, for a total of 98 cases of patients who had been diagnosed as chronic abacterial prostatitis/chronic pelvic pain syndrome. The efficacy was evaluated by the NIH Chronic Prostatitis Symptom Index (CPSI) after a 12 week follow-up. Results: All cases had completed the follow-up. Fifty-three cases (54.08%) were completely cured, accompanied by remarkable effective in 17 cases (17.35%) and improved in 23 cases (23.47%). The total remarkable efficacy was 71.43% and improved 94.90%. Scores of CPSI decreased significantly compared with pre-treatment (95% confidence interval 12.85-17.91 ). Conclusion : It is suggested that transperineally intraprostatic injection of Chuanshentong may be a useful method for the treatment of CABP/CPPS.
National Journal of Andrology