

Military Science of Sun Tzu and the Exploration and Analysis of Wu Culture
摘要 对“产生《孙子兵法》的土壤是吴文化”的论点进行系统分析和科学求证。《孙子兵法》十三篇,撰著在吴国,问世在吴国,离不开吴国的国情和吴地文化特征。孙武“为吴王阖闾作兵法十三篇”,“以书干阖闾……庶必见用”,显示吴文化属性的特征。为适合吴国的强国称霸需要提出“进攻战略”、“攻心战术”、“诡诈战法”等新的战略思想,体现吴国军事文化特征。在兵法各篇中较多反映吴国地形地貌,充分显示江南自然环境特色。吴国军队编制以及寿梦时“吴始益大,称王”和“专诸之勇”都翔实应用在孙子战略谋语中。研究《孙子兵法》与吴文化,就能深入了解孙子著述原意及《孙子兵法》的精髓和真谛。 Military Science of Sun Tzu is the fruit of Wu culture,which is systematically analyzed and scientifically testified in this essay. Military Science of Sun Tzu, with three chapters, is written and comes out in Wu Kingdom,and without its national conditions and culture,there would not exist the book. After Sun Tzu finished Military Science of Sun Tzu,he brought it to see King He lv of Wu Kingdom. Helv highly valued the book and put Sun Tzu in an important position. Military Science of Sun Tzu demonstrates the features of Wu culture. And it is written for King HeLv to build up the national strength and win hegemony over other kingdoms. Some new strategic thoughts are presented,such as attacking strategy, psychological tactics and deceptive strategy, which reflect the military and cultural ,fea- tures of Wu Kingdom. In Military Science of Sun Tzu, the topography and geomorphology are reflected many tlmes,which fully shows the natural characteristics of the areas south of the Yangtze River. In Sun Tzu's military terms,we can discover Wu's military staff,Zhuan zhu's bravery and the fact that when Shou Meng was the ruler of Wu Kingdom, Wu began to be powerful and became the leading kingdom. Thus,the study of Military Science of Sun Tzu and Wu culture can help further understand the original intention of Sun Tzu and the essence of it.
作者 管正 虞先泽
出处 《滨州学院学报》 2005年第5期71-74,共4页 Journal of Binzhou University
关键词 《孙子兵法》 吴文化 土壤 吴国特征 Military Science of Sun Tzu Wu culture soil features of Wu Kingdom
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