

Transcatheter closure of secundum atrial septal defects and patent ductus arterious using the domestic occlusion device
摘要 目的评估国产封堵器介入治疗房间隔缺损(atrial septal defect,ASD)和动脉导管未闭(patent ductus arterious,PDA)的疗效。方法病例分为PDA组20例和ASD组16例。分别采用PDA及ASD封堵器(深圳先健产品)进行介入治疗。结果全部病人成功置入封堵器,无即时并发症出现。PDA组有1例术后发生封堵口移位,需外科手术取出。其余病例术后追踪无残余分流、溶血、降主动脉狭窄等并发症。ASD组术后3个月时,彩超显示有少量残余分流2例。6个月后,2例残余分流消失,无心律失常、栓塞及心房穿孔等并发症出现。结论国产封堵器封堵成功率高,并发症少,术后追踪疗效满意。 objectives To introduce the preliminary experiences of treatments for secundum ASD and PDA with domestic occluder,and to evaluate its efficiency and complications. Methods 36 patients,20 patients with ASD, 16 patients with PDA, were studied. Each case was treated using domestic occluder device through the pereutaneous procedure, under fluoroscopy and TIE . Follow-up was performed on 24 hours, lmonth, 3 months, 1 year, 2 years after the procedure to evaluate the efficiency. Results The devices were successfully implanted in all patients. No complications occurred during the procedure. One case with large PDA complicated occluder removing to the right pulmonary artery and needed surgical procedures. Small residual shunts were found in 2 cases after 3 months of the procedure and disappeared after 6 months. No other complications occurred in these patients. Conclusions Transcatheter closure of secundum ASD and PDA using domestic occluder device had a high successful rate of closure, and lower complications. There were satisfactory results during the follow-up period and economic price. It is worth popularizing and applying.
出处 《岭南心血管病杂志》 2005年第5期356-358,共3页 South China Journal of Cardiovascular Diseases
关键词 堵闭器 房间隔缺损 动脉导管未闭 治疗 封堵口移位 Domestic occluder Atrial septal defect(ASD) Patent ductus arterious(PDA) Therapy
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