英属维尔京群岛中国星商标有限公司(China Star Trademark Limited)于2000年7月17日在国际分类第38类无线电广播等服务上向商标局提出“ChinaStar及图”商标(以下称申请商标,见附图、)的注册申请。商标局经审查,依据原《商标法》第八条第一款第(1)项、第十七条及原《商标法实施细则》第十六条规定,以(2001)标审(三)驳字第16号核驳通知书驳回了该商标的注册申请,理由是:申请商标与中国国名近似,
The China Star Trademark Limited from a company from the English Virgin Islands filed, on 17 July 2000, an application for registration of the“ChinaStar and device” trademark (hereinafter referred to as the present trademark. For the detail of the trademark, see Fig. 1 on page 49) on service in class 38 of the International Classification, such as wireless radio broadcast service. Upon examination, the Trademark Office issued the Trademark Rejection Notification No. Biaoshen (3) Bozi 16/2001, rejecting the application for registration of said trademark under Articles 8, paragraph one (1) and 17 of the former Trademark Law and Rule 16 of the Implementing Regulations thereof, on the grounds that the present trademark was similar to the name of the country China, and should not be registered as a trademark. Besides, it was also similar to the No.
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