
巴西戈亚斯州阿拉瓜亚河中亚马孙河巨龟(Podocnemis expansa)的巢穴布局

Nest Placement of the Giant Amazon River Turtle,Podocnemis expansa,in the Araguaia River,Goiás State,Brazil
摘要 在旱季,亚马孙河巨龟(Podocnemis expansa)将巢穴修筑在河槽边缘和内部的广阔沙洲上。这些巢穴在某些沙滩上的某些具体地点的大量聚集表明巢穴位置的选择不是随机的,而是与一些地质状况有关,如沙洲边缘的倾斜度和砂质高台的存在。通向高台顶端的通道或斜坡结构的存在是巢穴位置选择的决定性因素。被侵蚀的以及陡峭的沙滩边缘阻碍了亚马孙河龟到达最理想的筑巢位置。随着时间的推移,沙滩形态的变化会改变巢穴的分布。 The giant Amazon river turtle (Podocnemis expansa) nests on extensive sand bars on the margins and interior of the channel during the dry season. The high concentration of nests in specific points of certain beaches indicates that the selection of nest placement is not random but is related to some geological aspects, such as bar margin inclination and presence of a high, sandy platform. The presence of access channels to high platform points or ramp morphology are decisive factors in the choice of nesting areas. The eroded and escarped margins of the beaches hinder me Amazon river turtle arriving at the most suitable places for nesting. Through the years, changes in beach morphology can alter nest distribution.
出处 《AMBIO-人类环境杂志》 2005年第3期208-213,共6页
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