

Government Plans and Farmers Intentions:A Study On Forest Land Use Planning In Vietnam
摘要 1998年,越南国民大会通过了1998~2010年500万hm^2造林计划(5MHRP)。该项目将增加约45%的森林覆盖率,利用荒山,出产木材,促进社会经济发展。但该项目需要有越南的规划。该规划系统的分析基础是一个以前的发展项目的实施经验和乡镇、村落的两个案例研究。本研究描述了一个乡镇和一个村落中政府和农民的目标及策略,分析了规划数据对未来发展情景的影响。官方规划数据并没有反映出现实的真实情况,而是来自于协商。在所研究的乡镇和村落中,实施5MHRP是很困难的,因为大部分林地(官方所谓的未利用土地)实际上都用于食品生产。本研究所使用的途径和方法为目前的规划工作提供了另外一种选择。 In 1998, the Vietnamese National Assembly approved a Five Million Hectare Reforestation Program, (5MHRP) 1998-2010. It would increase forest cover by some 45%, use barren hills, produce wood, and generate socioeconomic development. It would, however, also put demands on Vietnamese planning. Experiences from a former development project and two case studies from a commune and village are used as a basis for analyzing the planning system. The study describes the objectives and strategies of government and farmers in one commune and one village and analyzes how planning data influence scenarios on future development. Official planning data do not reflect reality but are derived through negotiations. In the commune and village studied, it would be difficult for the 5MHRP to materialize, as most of the forest land, officially not yet used, is actually used for food production. The approach and method used by the study offers alternatives to current planning practices.
出处 《AMBIO-人类环境杂志》 2005年第3期244-251,268,共8页
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