河源普益硬质合金厂有限公司技术力量雄厚.工艺设备先进,专业生产金属钨粉、碳化钨粉、硬质合金混合料.硬质合金及其工具成品。公司拥有自主硬质合金牌号32个.规格型号3000多个。其中FSSS 0.6μm碳化钨粉、硬质合金圆棒、合金板块、长条薄片、整体圆片刀、玻璃切割刀和木工刀具等远销世界各地.受到顾客的青睐。
HeYuan PuYi Cemented Carbide Plant Limited Company boasts strong technical force, and advanced technology and equipment and excellent testing instruments, Its major products are: tungsten powder, tungsten carbide powder, mixture of cemented carbide, standardized and shaped products of cemented carbide, and carbide tools, etc. It produces over 32 carbide grades and up to 3000 of specs. In which, FSSS 0.6 μm WC, cemented carbide bars, piece, plates, circular saw cutters, glass cutters and wood-working tools are great success. Its prducts have been spread all over the world.
Guangdong Science & Technology