端庄、美丽、聪慧、豁达、激情、率真、坚韧、努力,这是本真的她。词汇挺多,涵盖不了全部。全部是什么?是《保卫爱情》中捍卫爱情的现代女性、《淘金王》中被卖了29次的临时妻、《嫂娘》中含辛茹苦的农村妇女、《尘埃落定》中精明阴险的土司太太,还是卸下妆容回归现实的孝敬女儿、漂亮妈妈和娇嗔爱人? 演戏、生活,每个角色都有宋佳倾注的近乎痴迷的心灵创作。对此,宋佳的说法是: “我对自己最满意的就是作为女人,我尽心于生活的同时不失自我,而对于每个剧中角色我都是非常用心地去完成,从不含糊。”
I clearly remember when I interviewed Song Jia in Qingdao last time. She frequently pounded her back, since in the course of shooting the telefilm All Is Solved on the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau, her back was wounded when she fell from a snow-covered mountain peak with actor Liu Wei. "Because all of the pits and thorns on the mountain were covered by snow. When the director called a pause, I found I couldn' t straighten up myself. Both my face and hands were scratched." Later, this telefilm was awarded the Golden Hawk Prize, the top-grade prize for telefilms in China. Talking about this prize, she said: “When receiving the prize, I thought that my prize award ceremony had already been held on the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau.”