目的:探讨踝关节内翻扭伤致腓总神经损伤的诊治方法.方法:1992年1月-2004年1月共24例踝关节扭伤出现腓总神经损伤症状,左侧9例,右侧15例.男17例,女7例;年龄8~66岁,平均26岁.病程最短3 d,最长8个月,平均29 d.21例行保守治疗,另3例因病程长恢复差行腓总神经探查减压松解术.功能评定按:优,M5S+4;良,M3S3;可,M2S2;差,M1S1评定.结果:全部病例均获随访,时间7~30个月,平均14个月.21例保守治疗后,优11例,良8例,可1例,差1例,优良率90%,可、差的2例及时行手术治疗后,优1例,良1例.3例手术治疗后,可1例,差2例.总优良率87%.结论:踝扭伤出现腓总神经损伤应首先行保守治疗.
Objective: To study diagnosis and treatment methods for common peroneal nerve injury induced by inversion sprain of ankle. Methods: From January 1992 to January 2004,24 patients( 17 male and 7 female, ranging in age from 8 to 66 years, with and average of 26 years)with common peroneal nerve injury symptoms after sprain of ankle were reviewed. 9 patients had injuries in left side and 15 in right. The average period between injury and treatment was 29 days. Twenty-one patients were treated with conservative methods and other 3 patient with decompression release of common peroneal nerve injury considering its long course. The functional evaluation according to excellent of M5S4+ , good M3S3, fair M2S2 and poor MiS1. Results: All the patients were followed up from 7 to 30 months,with an average of 14 months. Among 21 patients treated by conservative methods, ll obtained excellent results, 8 good, 1 fair and 1 poor, the excellent and good rate was 90%. The two patients with fair and poor results performed timely operation and reached excellent and good results finally. To 3 patient with operative treatment, 1 got fair result and 2 poor. The total excellent and good results of this study was 87 %. Conclusion:Conservative methods should be selected firstly to the patients with common peroneal nerve injury induced by sprain of ankle.
China Journal of Orthopaedics and Traumatology