磁共振波谱是一种可以检测人体组织内生化代谢产物浓度的无创检查,它的原理包括化学位移和自旋耦合。氢质子磁共振波谱(proton magnetic resonance spectroseopy,1HMRS)的检测方法有单体素、多体素及全范围波谱成像。磁共振波谱对于脑胶质瘤的分级有一定帮助,对于指导临床治疗有一定价值。我们就磁共振波谱的原理及检测方法、磁共振波谱在脑胶质瘤分级中的应用加以综述。
MRS is a noninvasive method that can measure the concentration of the molecular compositions of tissue in vivo. Different molecules showed different chemical shift and spin-coupling under changing magnetic fields. This is part of the reason why MRS can be used define molecular compositions of the tissue. Its technique includes single voxel, multi voxels proton and full coverage MRS. MRS has an important value in non-invasive grading of gliomas, which is very helpful in deciding on plan of clinical therapy. We reviewed the prineiple.the examination technique and the applications of MRS on grading of gliomas.
Chinese Journal of Neuro-Oncology