

Application of Molecular Markers in the Passerine Birds
摘要 雀形目鸟类一直以来都是动物学工作者研究的热点。目前,针对雀形目鸟类研究的标记主要有2部分:一部分是线粒体DNA中12SrRNA、细胞色素b序列、ND2基因和ZENK等基因序列;另一部分是基因组DNA中的c-myc、RAG-1、肌球素基因和核β-纤维蛋白原基因等DNA序列以及微卫星DNA和单核苷酸多态性(SNP)等。本文概述了这些分子遗传标记在雀形目鸟类中的应用和研究状况。 Passerines have been the subject of intense study by zoologist. Molecular markers for studies on passerine birds are divided into two groups, the first sequences of 12S rRNA, cyt b, ND2, ZENK in the mitochondrial DNA and the second sequences of the nuclear RA G-1 and c-myc genes, and myoglobin gene, β-fibrinogen gene, microsatellite DNA and SNP in the genomic DNA. The advances and application of these markers in the passerines were described here.
作者 吴冉 嵇宝华
出处 《生物技术通讯》 CAS 2005年第5期574-576,共3页 Letters in Biotechnology
关键词 雀形目鸟类 线粒体DNA 基因组DNA 分子遗传标记 passerine mitochondrial DNA genomic DNA molecular markers
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