Objective To investigate the clinical significance of three-dimensional CT in diagnosis and treatment of posterior pelvic ring fractures. Methods A retrospective analysis was done for 19 cases of posterior pelvic ring fractures who were treated from March 2002 to August 2003 and had plain and three-dimensional CT films. Their radiological characteristics and results were compared between the 2 kinds of film. Results 3-D CT corrected the misdiaguosis or uncertainty of 9 cases who had plain radio-graphs. The 3-D CT showed obvious advantages over plain radio-graphs in detecting sacroiliac diastasis, sacroiliac joint fragments, fractures involving lilac and sacral lips abutting the sacroiliac joint, sacral fracture and complicated comminuted fracture, because it clearly delineated fractures of posterior pelvic ring and manifested the severity of comminution and separation. Conclusion The 3-D CT scan provides valuable information for precise diagnosis and treatment plan for the complex posterior pelvic ring fractures.
Chinese Journal of Orthopaedic Trauma